Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Inner Woman In Me

I guess you could say I've had some experience on touching my emotional side. The fact that this era of my life is coming to a close is one thing and I don't think I took to it too well on Saturday. I love Barry University but I'm just going to have to accept that I'm graduating at FAU.  I call them my version/my time of the month even though it's not as extreme as a real girls'.

Material Girl

"Living in a material world.  And I am a material girl.  You know that we are living in a material world.  And I am a material girl."  Madonna

Just thought this would make a great opener as I could myself be considered a material girl.  I'm currently throwing out the things that Linda Matthews probably won't need in her next life/era.  It's hard to part with some things as each thing I see I can remember where I was or what I was thinking last time I saw it.  I guess it's up to Matthew Matthews to make more memories.